Professional Accountants for SME Businesses

About Us   
    The financial world is subjected to many pressures from socio economic, technological and political angles and is rapidly changing. The changes are affecting both the business world as well as the private individuals.
Whether you are a business or an individual, unless you are devoted and committed follower of such changes, you can be left behind with painful missed opportunities, at the best. The worst case could be that you may even land on the wrong side of the law with hefty penalties looming over your head.
Due to the complexity of the modern world, it is no longer economical or sensible to attempt to master every aspect that affects your life. Hence you need someone who you can talk to, who can be trusted and who is truly professional with the endorsements of ultimate professional bodies and above all who is interested in you.
AJMA is devoted to follow the changes in the financial world with YOU in our mind.
Our mission is to provide you with the best of our personal and professional attention with economy, efficiency and effectiveness guaranteeing the value for money.
Although based in Central London we are also happy to come to you. We serve on site as well as off site.
Our vision is to achieve the success through real partnership with YOU.


AJ Management Accountants Limited  61 Exeter House, Hallfield, Bayswater, London W2 6EN;   Company No 04494397
Tel/Fax: +44 (0) 20 7723 0524;   Email: